Thursday 17 January 2013


I'm completely new to this blogging lark, and it's early days but I'm really enjoying mine. I've found that everything I do is potential blog fodder although sometimes, days like today can be terribly mundane with a hair cut, pilates, a dog walk and food shopping. Not that brilliant but all very necessary, and to spice it up there's a whiff of excitement in the air because we've been promised snow.

On my adventures ferreting about online,  I've found some amazing blogs with beautiful work and images. I've been transfixed by interiors, photographs and artwork, they've inspired me to write this blog and I've linked in my most favourite. I won't ever meet most of these people, but now they feel oddly linked to my life as I peer regularly into their worlds. One blogger I have met is my lovely friend Gayle - a superwoman if ever there was, and all round wonderful person. She is a textiles teacher and her aptly named blog, life of a textiles teacher, is a fabulous mix of her work, students work, her life and just stuff she likes. I don't get to see her very often (although hopefully will more in the months ahead!x) but it's great to have a poke about in her life and catch up on what's going on in the art department at Alton College via her blog. The image above is some recent work by her students.

Fingers crossed for the big freeze!! Wintery pics a go-go.


  1. Oh Caroline, I just love you. XX

  2. Third time lucky.....You've got your snow now....enjoy.
    Loving your blog. M xx
